Author Archives


Nudging etc

Next Wednesday (14th May) I will be speaking at a lunchtime seminar at the Bristol Social Marketing Centre at UWE. I’ve taken as my title Nudge, budge, steer, shove and think: the (re)politicisation of behavioural public policy. You can find more detail here.

Festival of Economics

In November Bristol will be holding its third annual Festival of Economics. I will be taking part in a panel entitled What would make the housing market function?. I believe that I may be sharing the stage with Kate Barker and Danny Dorling. So it is likely to be a […]

ENHR 2014

In early July I will be giving a paper entitled The battle over the “bedroom tax”: politics, rationality and discourse at the European Network for Housing Research annual conference in Edinburgh. Should be fun!

Housing Studies Association Conference 2014

Next year’s HSA Annual Conference is taking as its theme The Value of Housing. I will be participating in the following debate: Are occupants are best placed to judge the value of their own housing? And should the state therefore move away from outdated supply subsidies and let households make their own […]