Category: News

Responding to the Mayor’s lecture

On Monday 18th November 2013 I am one of three people – alongside Alexandra Jones and Tony Travers – responding to Mayor Ferguson’s first annual lecture, organised under the auspices of the Bristol Festival of Ideas. The event is The state of the Bristol economy: The Mayor’s annual […]

The local public realm

The current issue of Policy & Politics is a themed issue on the topic Reconfiguring the local public realm (£req). The editorial for the issue was coauthored by me and my colleagues Gary Bridge and David Sweeting. The issue has a strongly international flavour and draws papers from […]

Policy and complexity

This year’s Policy & Politics Conference takes place on 17-18 September. It’s theme is “Transforming Policy & Politics: The future of the state in the 21st Century”. I will be giving a paper entitled Public policy in a world of complexity.