Recent publications


CaCHE/CRISIS Social housing allocations report.


Soaita, A.M., Marsh, A. and Gibb, K. (2023) Policy movement in housing research: a critical interpretative synthesis, Housing Studies, 28, 1, 107-127, (Open Access).

Gibb, K., Soaita, A. and Marsh, A. (2022) Rent control: A review of the evidence base, CaCHE Working Paper, Glasgow: UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

Harris, J. and Marsh, A. (2022) Understanding landlord behaviour in the Private Rented Sector in the UK, CaCHE/TDSCT/SDSCF Working Paper, Glasgow: UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

Marsh, A., Gibb, K. and Soaita, A.M. (2022) Rent regulation: unpacking the debates, International Journal of Housing Policy (Open Access).

Pansera, M., Marsh, A., Owen, R., Flores Lopez, J.A., de Alba-Ulloa, J. (2022) Exploring citizen participation in smart city development in Mexico City: An institutional logics approach, Organization Studies,

Sweeting, D., de Alba-Ulloa, J., Mansera, M. and Marsh, A. (2022) Easier said than done? Involving citizens in the smart city, EPC: Politics and space, 40, 6, 1365-1381, (Open Access).

Harris, J., Cowan, D., and Marsh, A. (2020) Improving compliance with private rented sector legislation: local authority regulation and enforcement, CaCHE/TDSCT/SDSCF Working Paper, Glasgow: UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

Not so recent

Gibb, K. and Marsh,  A. (2019) Housing and systems thinking, CaCHE Working Paper, Glasgow: UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. (2019) A perennial problem? On underoccupation in English council housing, Housing Studies, 34(2), 319-337.

Cooper, P., Tryfonas, T., Crick, T. and Marsh, A. (2019) Electric Vehicle Mobility as-a-Service: Exploring the ‘Tri-Opt’ of Novel Private Transport Business Models, Journal of Urban Technology, 26(1), 35-56. (Available here open access)

Marsh, A. and Gibb, K. (2018) The private rented sector in Britain: An overview of the policy and regulatory landscape, CaCHE/TDSCT/SDSCF Working Paper, Glasgow: UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

Marsh, A. (2018) Social housing governance: an overview of the issues and evidence, CaCHE Working Paper, Social Housing Policy Working Group, Glasgow: UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

Marsh, A. and Hilton, S. (2017) Shaping successful smart cities, SPS Briefing paper (available here).

Spotswood, F. and Marsh, A. (2016) What is the future of ‘behaviour change’?, in Spotswood, F. (ed) Beyond behaviour change: perspectives from a diverse field, Bristol: Policy Press.

Marsh, A. (2015) Social housing’s alternative futures, Chartered Institute for Housing policy essay (available here)

Gibb, K. and Marsh, A. (2014) European housing markets, economics and finance: after the crisis, Journal of European Real Estate Research, vol 7, no 3 [Special Issue Guest Editorial]

Ayres, S. and Marsh, A. (2013) Reflections on contemporary debates in policy studies, Policy & Politics, vol 41, no 4, 643-663.

Bridge, G., Marsh, A. and Sweeting, D. (2013) Reconfiguring the local public realm, Policy & Politics, vol 41, no 3, 305-309. [Editorial to Themed Issue]

Hambleton, R., Howard, J., Marsh, A. and Sweeting, D. (2013) The prospects for mayoral governance in Bristol, Bristol: UWE.

Kennett, P., Forrest, R. and Marsh, A. (2013) The global financial economic crisis and the reshaping of housing opportunities, Housing, Theory and Society, vol 30, no 1, 10-28.

Marsh, A. (2013) The elected mayor saga continues, Policy & Politics, vol 41, no 1, 132-134.

Marsh, A. (2012a) Consumers, choice and competition, in Graham, S. (ed) Housing 2020: Six views of the future of housing associations, Coventry: Orbit.

Marsh, A. (2012b) Economic approaches, The International Encyclopaedia of Housing and the Home, (ed. Susan J Smith et al), Elsevier.

Marsh, A. (2012c) Is it time to put the dream of Elected Mayors to bed?, Policy & Politics, vol 40, no 4, 607-611.

Marsh, A. (2012d) Putting markets in their place, Liberator Magazine, Issue 355, September.

Marsh, A. and Gibb, K. (2011a) Fundamentals are, well, fundamental, Housing, Theory and Society, vol 28, no 3, 292-299.

Marsh, A. and Gibb, K. (2011b) Housing Economics, Sage Library in Economics, London: Sage (5 vols).

Marsh, A. and Gibb, K. (2011c) Uncertainty, expectations and behavioural aspects of housing market choices, Housing, Theory and Society, vol 28, no 3, 215-235.

Less formal publications

Occasionally I have write up presentations or blogs related to housing, policy or economics and they are too long to post on the blog. I used to post them at as well. They can still be downloaded from there for free, although now you have to join in order to get access.