My research

alexmarshMy research interests cover a constellation of inter-related topics: policy processes; public management and governance; markets and regulation. The primary focus of my research is housing markets and housing policy. More recently I have been looking at smart cities and infrastructure futures.

I am interested in regulation both as it relates to state activity in shaping market processes and the regulation of behaviour, particularly within organizational contexts and in relation to public sector reform. Underpinning much of my work is an interest in economics as a discipline with very particular characteristics. I’ve a longstanding interest in its methodology and rhetoric, its limits and borders with other disciplines. Most of all I’m interested in the way in which economic ideas interact with the world of policy and practice.

The list below gives an indication of my recent and current activities.

Current research projects and activities

  • I am a member of the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE), led by Ken Gibb. You can find out more about this major project on its own page here.
  • As part of CaCHE we are developing a programme of work on on the private rented sector, in collaboration with The Disputes Service.
  • I’m working on the role of citizens in the smart city.
  • Building on the Bristol Civic Leadership Project, a collaboration with UWE to explore the development of the Mayoral model in Bristol, I’m working on place-based leadership. The project website can be found here.