Here are most of my recent and future speaking engagements:
July: SPA, Nottingham
July: ICPP, Toronto
March (with Ken Gibb): Rent control policy: can democracy and expertise be reconciled?, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference, Sheffield, 29th-31st.
July: Asking the impossible? Trying to manage the pressures on social housing through allocations policy, Social Policy Association Annual Conference, Swansea, 8th.
June: Rent control: A review of the evidence base, Shelter Cymru Annual Conference, Swansea, 28th.
May: (with Chris Foye): Framing a social policy crisis: Evidence use in private rented sector policymaking during the pandemic, SKAPE Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 25th.
April (with Dave Cowan): “You would need to be a hermit not to know there was an acute shortage”: the role of narratives and framing in access to social housing, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference, 4th-6th.
April: The evolving governance and regulation of rented housing, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference, Virtual Plenary, 12th.
November (with Jennifer Harris and Dave Cowan): Compliance and enforcement practices in the UK private rented sector, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference, 17th, Virtual Conference.
September: Redesigning regulatory structures in the private rented sector, Regulating the private rented sector: Enforcing compliance and standards, 10th, Virtual Conference.
[Covid-19 disruption – all planned presentations during 2020 Q1-Q2 postponed or cancelled]
Not so recent
June: Evidence based policy? On systems thinking, anticipation and policy making, International Conference on Public Policy 4, 26th-28th, Montreal.
June: (with David Sweeting) Facing up to existential threats: Where next for English local government, Joint EURA/UAA Conference Cities IV, 20th-22nd, Dublin.
April: (with Dave Cowan) English social housing policy: Success, failure, fiasco or what?, Housing Studies Association Conference: Housing Struggles, 10th-12th, Sheffield.
April: (with Chris Foye, Ken Gibb and Gareth Jones) Are housing issues wicked issues?, Housing Studies Association Conference: Housing Struggles, 10th-12th, Sheffield.
July: Future directions for housing, Social Liberal Forum Annual Conference, London, 28th.
April: Understanding the evolution of social housing governance, Housing Studies Association Conference: Professionalism, Policy and Practice: Exploring the relationship between theory and practice in housing studies, 11th-13th, Sheffield
Nov: The challenges of smart cities for urban leadership, RSA Research Network Leadership and Urban and Regional Development, London, 14th-15th.
June: The uncertainty of complexity in policy studies, 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore, 28th-20th. (The conference paper can be found here.)
June: Locating the citizen in the smart city, RC43 Conference: Unreal estate? Rethinking housing, class and identity, Hong Kong, 18th-20th.
April: (with Theo Tryfonas) Political leadership, political citizenship, and public value in the smart city, PUPOL 2nd International Conference: Leadership for public and social value, Milton Keynes, 6th-7th.
April: Beyond “getting kit in the ground”: Themes and issues in smart city development in England, Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, 19th-22nd.
July: Housing: Reflecting, reinforcing and reproducing inequality, Social Liberal Forum Annual Conference “Inequality Street”, London.
June: Interpreting housing policy: are the Conservatives trying to kill social renting in England?, European Network for Housing Research Conference “Governance Territory and Housing”, Belfast.
May: Panellist (Discussing utopian thinking in the history of local authority and new town housing in Britain), Utopian Cities: Learning from the ruins, Bristol Festival of Ideas Utopias Weekend.
Sept: Panellist, CentreForum-Social Liberal Forum Fringe meeting Land in the 21st Century – are houses homes or repositories of wealth?, Liberal Democrat Autumn Conference, Bournemouth.
Sept: Setting the public machine on a dangerous path? On the ethical and political dimensions of behaviour change policy, Policy & Politics Conference “Democracy, inequality and power”, Bristol.
April: Austerity – making or breaking the economy?, Plenary, CIH South West Annual Conference, Torquay.
April: Housing, economy and justice, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference, “Housing the generations: Justice, inequality and the implications of political change”, York.
April: How to fix the housing market?, Post-Crash Economics Society unConference, Manchester.
Mar/April: Liberal Democrats in a ConDemNation: strategy, identity and survival, Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Sheffield. (Accompanying text here)
Nov: Panel Discussion: What would make the housing market function?, Festival of Economics, Bristol. (Podcast elaborating on my contribution here)
Nov: Panel Discussion: The rise and fall of the bedroom tax?, Thinking Futures: Festival of Social Science, Bristol
Nov: Panel Discussion: Nudge and the state, Thinking Futures: Festival of Social Science, Bristol. (Blogpost reflecting on the event here)
Oct: Plenary: Social housing 2.0, Next Generation Solutions: Housing Transformations Conference, London. (Accompanying text here)
Sept: Local political leadership takes a post-political turn? On the resilience of the elected Mayor as a governance solution, Policy & Politics Conference “The challenges of leadership and collaboration in the 21st Century”, Bristol.
July: The battle over the “bedroom tax”: politics, rationality and discourse, European Network for Housing Research Annual Conference, Edinburgh. (The conference paper can be found here)
May: Nudge, budge, steer, shove and think: the (re)politicisation of behavioural public policy, Paper presented in the Bristol Social Marketing Centre Seminar Series, UWE.
April: Panel discussion: Who is best placed to judge the value of housing – the state or the consumer?, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference, “The value of housing”, York. (Accompanying text for my contribution here)
April: (with Ken Gibb) Froth or fundamentals? Housing economics and the interpretation of house price changes around the Global Financial Crisis, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference, “The value of housing”, York.
April: Housing search: what might alternative economic approaches offer?, Housing search symposium, Sheffield.
Jan/Feb: (with Ken Gibb) What did we know, and when? Housing economics and the Global Financial Crisis, ENHR Housing economics workshop, Alicante, Spain.
Jan: Local political leadership takes a post-political turn?, PSA Political Leadership subgroup workshop, “Political Leadership and statecraft in challenging times”, UEA, Norwich.
Nov: The state of the Bristol economy: The Mayor’s annual lecture and debate. I was one of a panel of three responding to the Mayor’s lecture. (Text accompanying my response is here)
Oct: HotHouse, Housing associations and the path to 2033, National Housing Federation, Exeter. (Accompanying text here)
Sept: Public policy in a world of complexity, Policy & Politics Conference “Transforming Policy & Politics: The future of the state in the 21st Century”, Bristol.
July: Regulatory possibilities for private renting, Policy seminar on “Alternatives to regulation”, London. (Accompanying text here)
July: Back into the mainstream: the revival of private renting in Britain, ISA RC43 Conference “At home in the housing market”, Amsterdam.
July: Can we, should we, de-residualise social housing?, Roundtable Discussion, ISA RC43 Conference, Amsterdam. (Accompanying text here)
June: Universal credit: some observations on policy and politics, Office of National Statistics Seminar “Universal credit: Is it the answer?”, Newport. (Accompanying text here)
May: Shared ownership and the changing reality for middle income Britain, National Housing Federation Affordable Home Ownership and Intermediate Housing conference, London. (Accompanying text here)
April: (with Ken Gibb) Perspectives on housing finance futures, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference “Changing political, socioeconomic and institutional landscapes: What are the consequences for housing?”, York.
April: Who is social housing for, and who should it be for?, BCC Strategic Housing Event, Bristol. (Accompanying text here)
Feb: Building Neighbourhoods Conference, National Housing Federation South West Regional Conference, Exeter. (Accompanying text here)
Jan: Housing challenges in Exeter: Developing a new city housing strategy, Exeter. (Accompanying text here)
Nov: Policy challenges around welfare reform, South West Observatory Seminar, Taunton.
Nov: Keynote session: In conversation with Simon Fanshawe, Chartered Institute for Housing South West Annual Conference, Torquay.
Sept: One-in, one-out regulation: existing direction of travel or major detour?, 40 years of Policy & Politics Conference, Bristol.
Sept: Housing and the economy, Presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing, PCH.
July: Housing transformations and trajectories, Social Liberal Forum 2nd Annual Conference, KCL, London.
April: (with Ken Gibb) Are Economic Theory and Housing Equity Withdrawal Behaviour at Odds? An Application of Mental Accounting, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference, York.
February: Should Bristol have an elected Mayor?,The Council House, College Green, Bristol.
Nov: The Big Society in Bristol, ESRC Festival of Social Science, The Tobacco Factory, Bristol.
Sept: Coalition housing policy, Chartered Institute of Housing Somerset & South West Group, Weston-Super-Mare.
Sept: The Coalition and the rethinking of social housing, PAC Annual Conference, Birmingham.
Jan: Social status and the demand for housing, Cardiff University, CPLAN.
[Image: Dane Comerford/University of Bristol]