I will be speaking at the National Housing Federation Hothouse event in Exeter on 2nd October. I’m giving a perspective on what I think the housing association world might be like in 2033.
I will be speaking at the National Housing Federation Hothouse event in Exeter on 2nd October. I’m giving a perspective on what I think the housing association world might be like in 2033.
The current issue of Policy & Politics (vol 41, no 4) is a special issue arising out of the journal’s 40th Anniversary Conference, held in Bristol last year. The issue includes a paper entitled Reflections on contemporary debates in policy studies, co-authored by me and my colleague Sarah […]
We’re running a seminar on this theme on 18th October. We’re very pleased that colleagues from the the National Autonomous University of Mexico will be a key part of the afternoon’s proceedings, courtesy of funding from the British Academy. I’ll be chairing the event. More information, and contact details […]
I am collaborating with Ken Gibb (University of Glasgow) to guest edit a special issue of the Journal of European Real Estate Research on the above theme. You can find the call for papers here. The deadline for abstracts is 31st October. If you’re interested in contributing a […]
On Monday 18th November 2013 I am one of three people – alongside Alexandra Jones and Tony Travers – responding to Mayor Ferguson’s first annual lecture, organised under the auspices of the Bristol Festival of Ideas. The event is The state of the Bristol economy: The Mayor’s annual […]